I'm still a little bit in shock after talking with the auto loan company, but I will try to explain my situation.
My sister, who has a great paying job, had terrible credit from mistakes she'd made in her marriage years previous. I agreed to co-sign for the car, and she agreed to make the payments every month.
I pulled my credit report today for the first time in awhile and found out that the car was charged off last year. I talked with the loan company and they agreed to settle on the loan - $4,016, and the title would be signed over. The rest of the difference would have to be reported as income on a 1099-C form for the year of 2017.
I have a few questions:
If I just let the company repossess the car (a.k.a give them her address), would my credit score take more of a hit than it already has?
If I pay the settlement price, can I get the title in my name even though I'm only a co-signer?
If you were in my situation, how would you handle this?
My sister has a good job but clearly no control over her spending, and hasn't paid on the car up to this point. I've given up on seeing any money from her on this deal - I'm just going to have to take it into my own hands. The worst part is that I'm 26 and have never had a mortgage or my own auto loan yet, and now my credit is in disrepair.
Please help, Reddit!
Submitted March 06, 2017 at 08:24PM by vieilleame http://ift.tt/2n8mNJN