The home goes on the market April 1st, and my exact cut of it will be between $45-70k depending on the sale and on how much we pay to finish off the mortgage, pay out the realtor, and split the final sum with my sister. I've been thinking of it as $35k so that no matter what, I'm totally stoked by the real number. So let's say I'll be receiving $35k no later than July 1st (that's the actual amount left after all taxes and charges and everything is taken out of the initial sum.) I really need to borrow between 4 and 15 thousand dollars by March 1st, depending on how absolutely dire I rate various life issues at the moment. Anything over 10 is comfort rather than necessity, but the first 10 is all important shit that I needed to get done like, yesterday.
Where can I use the theoretical money I have coming in order to secure a loan? Surely there is some sort of loan precedent for this situation. I am willing to part with a good deal of interest in order to get it done, and have tried phoning up a few friends this week offering them $4k in July for $3k today. Unfortunately, at 26-28 most of us are not quite at the level of savings where anyone can help me out that big. But everyone agrees, it's a good deal if they could take it. It may or may not have to be with a creditor; I haven't ever built my credit (I know, I know - yell at me about it later). As of January my credit is only like 620 or so last I saw. Some student loans still, as I just graduated last summer.
I would pay someone as much as 25% interest on this if they'll make the quantity of funds available high enough to actually take care of my needs. I can sign whatever legal paperwork will be necessary to prove everything I am saying here about the house and it being mine, and legally I can commit to this with my portion of the house as collateral or whatnot. It's a good deal. I know that it is. How do I find someone to take it, so that we both win?
(Family doesn't have it, or I wouldn't be posting in the first place). The home is in a trust presently, whose primary beneficiaries are a 50/50 split for my sister and I.
Submitted February 25, 2017 at 01:11AM by DangerGrey