I posted before about life just keeps happening and we can't ever get ahead. We've had a few small victories lately and I'd like to share because it's done a lot for my morale!
By selling stuff on Craigslist and letting out 2 puppies twice a day as a side gig, plus getting some paid crochet commissions, I've managed to save $380 in cash. Additionally, I've managed to stash $1,000 in our Ally account, and have another $1,000 in our emergency fund.
We paid off Care Credit! On to the next card!
My credit line from Capital One went up by $700. Not going to use it (card is literally frozen in a Tupperware of ice in the freezer), but it was nice to see and a morale boost.
Background check cleared for the part time job I applied for to help with debt payoff and savings! I work a part time job now during the school year, and this new one is year round in the evening so I'm not sacrificing time with my kid or my husband :). It'll be an extra $400 per month or so which will definitely accelerate things.
Submitted February 11, 2017 at 01:48AM by DaMeLaVaca http://ift.tt/2kCRrNb