I originally posted almost two years ago on this forum that I was broke, unemployed, suicidal and nearly homeless. My gf left me abandoned with my credit 99% maxed out from her school bills. Thread here http://ift.tt/1VzHxV0
This forum convinced me that I could use my self taught software skills to turn my situation around. After all the amazing comments I received, I took a leap of faith and began interviewing for jobs. After about four weeks and ten interviews I finally got an offer for android development at a financial information services company. The offer was contract to hire at $40/hr. My mouth dropped and I took it I immediately.
I continued reading these forums almost every day. After three months they offered me a formal position. I learned the value of playing the market from this forum and decided to look for counter offers before I accepted. People told me not to leave my job, that itd make me look bad because I only had 3 months employee experience, and that itd cost me in the long run because nobody would trust a pirate ship jumper. I decided not to follow a fear based mantra and started looking anyway. I quickly landed an offer at a new company for 105k annual salary. Most people told me not to take it but I accepted.
After 1 year in the stage and entertainment automation industry I decided to test the market again. I was open and honest with my employer who again told me "it'll look bad if you only stay 1 year!" This time I opened my search to across the country. I ended up using vacation days and weekends to fly out to interviews. It was stressful to do all the flying and to be honest about my plan with my employer. I don't recommend telling your employer you're looking like I did... but I wanted to try it because I was interested in bhuddist principles at that time, lIke open communication. Anyway, I ended up getting an offer for 115k at a stock trading company. I counter offered twice and ended up landing at 126k with a 5k relocation package. I also advocated for a senior, leadership type position and got it.
I guess the point is... people will tell you not to do things. They will share their fears with you. A lot of people just want to enjoy their weekends and not endure the stress of flying across the country for an interview they might not succeed at. I was lucky in that I'm young and without family, so I could travel. But I did take the path less traveled. I endured the stress of communicating honestly with others, interviewing constantly, exposing myself to rejection, spending my time and money to travel, and studying my craft on weekends and evenings to improve my craft. I've also read a lot about communication and personal leadership. It is paying off!
I really thank this sub for its employment advice, it's encouragement, and daily source of knowledge. I now have a great financial future and I'm excited to see how much further I can go. Money isn't everytjing, but it's important! And I think you can follow your dreams and passions while making money ay the same time.
Posting this on my tablet on a plane to the city of my newest job so I can look at a house to rent for when I relocate!
Submitted January 19, 2017 at 09:49PM by afterthewindsthesong http://ift.tt/2iZfbKG