I live in 5th floor apartment with a terrace. Our terrace overlooks the street and is adjoined by another terrace right next to us. The wall separating the two spaces is only about chest high, and I'd like to make a wall to go up a few feet higher so we and the neighbors have more privacy. The two apartments are mirror images of each other, so we pretty much see everything.Here is a photo of the terrace wall: http://ift.tt/2ja7KA9'll see an 8 foot 2x6 that I bolted into one wall to keep the dog from jumping off. The concrete slab that I drilled into here is about 3" thick and about 1 foot wide. I just used two brackets on either side with 1/4" concrete anchors. This is fine for one piece of wood but I'll need more strength for the longer, higher wall, so I can't replicate this method exactly.The wall I want to raise is to the left in the image. It runs 24 feet. I don't really care how it gets done as long as it's under a few hundred dollars, and it doesn't have to look amazing (it's a rental), but I'd like to get 3-4 feet more height by bolting some kind of structure into the concrete slab that currently tops off the wall.Any suggestions? Should I build a similar structure to what I have but use more boards? Should I get an off-the-shelf privacy wall from home depot? If so, how would I go about bolting that down? Any advice would be great. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2iZlnPu