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I've been impressed with a lot of the great information on here. I also wanted to contribute to spreading quality information on here. I've had a long-time passion for studying charts and the market. I think reading charts can be easier than it has to be. It's kind of like fishing. You have a good sense of when you have a fish in your net and can catch it and when you don't and should just leave it alone. At the end of 2016, I made a $700 trade that I wanted to do a break down of. If people are interested, I can do more of these types of posts/break downs. I've have met and seen a lot of traders struggling recently. I'm happy to help with market analysis and share ideas. The goal is that we all profit right? Cheers to a great and profitable 2017 for all!


Submitted January 05, 2017 at 09:55AM by lee_trade http://ift.tt/2hUZ16g

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