I've got a mirror that's on the wall without a frame of any sort, it's literally just the piece of glass mirror and nothing else, it's affixed to the wall with 4 S-brackets. I have some leftover baseboard and it's nothing fancy but I figured I could cut 4 sides and then just nail them around the mirror as a frame (or fasten them some other way, haven't really thought about that yet TBH! I've done this in the past and merely used a tube of liquid nails in a caulk gun, put the baseboard right on the mirror, but I pity whoever has to deal with that when that mirror cracks or needs to be removed because the mount hardware is encased & inaccessible, would need to be broken off of the wall)So my only power tools for cutting stuff are a table saw (for wet cutting of ceramic tile, its blade doesn't have teeth it's a flat wheel) and a handheld circular saw (maybe 8" diameter blade), I figure I can probably get close enough to 45deg on my cuts that, with compound +/- silicone, I can feather&smooth my way to a finished product - but am hoping for tips from you guys, I always see such impressive work showcased here that I'm expecting there's all kinds of tips&tricks that're more sophisticated than how I'm planning to do this (ie draw my best 45deg line on the boards with pencil, clamp it down and saw it as accurate as I can!)Thanks in advance for any advice :D via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2jrt71B