Hello everyone would like to share some ways to generate more money in your life by simply cutting down some expenses. 1. Lower the price of your pay TV bills : The average household pays $103.10/month for pay TV service. That's $1,237.20 each year and it's just the average; some people pay a lot more! 2.Skip the extended warranty on electronics : TVs fail at only a 3% rate in the first four years of ownership. Why would anyone buy a warranty when you have a 97% that your TV will work for numerous years? Many credit cards will double the manufacturer's original warranty up to one additional year if you use them to make your purchase. That's how you approximate getting an extended warranty for free! 3. Choose a cheaper cell plan 4. Save you big bucks: Razor blades degrade much faster when they're left wet. If you blot your razor dry on a towel after use, you'll radically extend the life of the blade. 5. Using cold water for washing saves around 50 cents per load on heating bills.Use hot water only when clothes are too dirty.
December 30, 2016 at 12:34AM