Here's my master list.
- Hundreds of fast food outings instead of shopping and cooking simple recipes.
- $100 in wet-shaving gear/soaps when it wasn't much better than Barbasol and Bic razors.
- Numerous $60 video games I ended up not liking. Better off waiting for a sale.
- Winter clothes. I live in Florida. I don't even need them for a day.
- Hats. I look better without them.
- Large quantities of rave drugs: one area where you probably shouldn't save by buying in bulk.
- Premium quality hygiene products. Cheap ones are just as good.
- A juicer I used 4 times
- A gaming PC that I really only used for low-end games anyway.
- A low-end tablet. Buy nice or cry twice
- Video game consoles the first year of the gen. Now I just wait for the slim edition.
- An external hard drive that blew out anyway. I didn't need 2tb of space just for movies I'd only watch once.
January 01, 2017 at 01:50AM