As the title says. I am investing weekly in VOO NVDA and LLY via my brokerage app.
VOO: $65 weekly
NVDA: $75 weekly
LLY: $10 weekly
The current invested amount in VOO is $294.99, NVDA is $275.39 and LLY $59.88
I just started on the 1st of June and thanks to NVDA my portfolio return is $70. I am in for a long-term 10+ years.
Firstly, Is this a safe portfolio or should I look into another EFT/stock to diversify more?
If I keep investing at the same value would I be getting a reasonable return on 10+ years or should I increase the amount I put in?
Lastly, does anyone know a free return calculator website where I can play with dollar value and years?
Submitted June 19, 2024 at 12:11AM by AintShocked_2