My grandfather passed away when I was very young, and he apparently left me something between $50-80,000. I can't be sure how much the exact amount is because nobody knows. I'd grown up in a very unstable and abusive environment and have no contact with most of my family.
Fast-forward to today, I randomly remembered that my mom had once told me that I'd been left an inheritance from my grandfather. I immediately called her to ask about it, but all she told me was that it was "probably gone", and that she didn't remember the name of the lawyer involved in the inheritance dispute the occurred after my grandfather died.
Where do I even begin to try to find out what happened to my inheritance? I'm not desperate for money, but it would be nice to just find out what happened, and put whitewater's left into my retirement account.
This all took place in California, if that matters.
Submitted June 20, 2024 at 11:03PM by StupidBump