Hello, first of all, Happy Christmas Season.
I little bit of backround, I'm a 20 y/o in freshman year pursuing a Industrial Engineering Degree (And hopefully to get a Master's in Engineering Management)
So between Q1 and Q2, I worked full-time and studied full-time, because I was only taking PreReqs classes.
Now that I'm going to start taking my math classes, I changed my schedule to part-time to just for 3 - 4 shifts / week.
With a little bit of luck, I was able to save around 10k - 12k. My first plan was to take half into Vanguard Digital Advisor with Mid / Agressive investment or however is called, linked to a Roth IRA; or just the brokerage account to hopefully, have enough for a downpayment for an apartment after graduation. And the other half is just to have it as an emergency fund.
Also, my employer sent to my mail that I was able to open a 401k (I thought that this was only full-time employees). But I don't want to open it yet because I'm not sure if my paycheck wouldn't be enough to cover my expenses.
Any advice is well-received, and if you got any questions, I'll try to answer it to have a more precise answer.
Thank you, and enjoy your holiday.
Submitted December 10, 2022 at 02:01AM by thymedz https://ift.tt/tb0rpew