So Thursday last week was one of the most frustrating days of my life. As I'm preparing my kid's second bunk bed to be broken down, (they had 2 and one broke already) because they somehow managed to break the ladder to the top bunk, I'm also doing a load of laundry.
Well turns out that this washer that came with the house was Jerry rigged to operate without the lid latch. And unfortunately for me, the way they did it was undone by an unbalanced load. I for the life of me can't figure out how to fix the Jerry rigged part so I will have to order a new one and the latch at some point.
Well at work the milk guy doesn't always take his crates because "they aren't for my company I don't touch them". Well I decide to grab all 42, and only need 40 to create a grid for a new platform for the kids beds. The 3 twin mattress measured PERFECTLY to fit against one wall of their room and the 40 crates created the perfect base for them to lay onto. So much so that I could lay on their beds now and not feel like I'll fall through, unlike the bars of their old bed.(which I'm planning to use for garden spikes and to hold fencing in. There's over a hundred of them)
So I give 1 crate away when I do all of this on Friday, go wash a large load of laundry at the laundromat, and then on Saturday the thought occurred to me that my biggest issue about not having a washer is the spin cycle to wring out the cloths.
So, I take the last crate, affix it to the kids swing set(sorry kids we need clean cloths) and set out to hand wash some clothes. After rinsing, I wrong them out as much as I could without hurting myself and toss them in my spin device and get the water out to about 90% as good as the washer. Then when it was time to do towels, I used a bar affixed to the swing set and a bent bar (all things from the broken bunk beds) to wring them out as well.
Oddly enough hand washing my cloths has felt like they are cleaner and feel fresher than when doing it in the washer. If it weren't so humid/rainy I would hang dry them for bonus frugality!
Any tips from yall to help me in my trying times?
August 03, 2022 at 12:01AM