I was listening to NPR and Mark Cuban was being interviewed about his pharmaceutical company. Cuban started this with a radiologist during the whole scum sucking leech Martin Shekreli debacle (the one where Shekreli cornered a medication and raised the price 800%.)
Cuban said right now they only have a few hundred medications on the site, but by the end of the year will have 2000. He also said in many cases his prices are lower than what people are paying with a health insurance deductible. Why am I not shocked health insurance companies haven't tackled this?
I have no scrips, so can't confirm his pricing claims, but if any of you do, I'd love to know if it's true. Good on him for tackling this problem. Hope he helps out some of you. God knows no one else is. I hope his business model works. I think only 250,000 people have registered for this, so hoping we can spread the word if it is indeed true.
I am not affiliated. Think medical care in the US sucks and want this to be a good thing.
July 01, 2022 at 01:32AM