28F, USA.
I’m unmarried and make about $65k/yr as a teacher. I also sell my teaching resources online on a website called TeachersPayTeachers (similar to Etsy in nature, except I sell PDF printables instead of crafts/jewelry).
Last year I made $38k on that site. I’m currently up 85% over where I was at this point last year, so I expect to make around $50k or more from my TeachersPayTeachers income this year in addition to my teaching income. The overhead of running this business is very small, maybe a thousand dollars a year so it’s almost all profit (minus taxes).
Anyway, here is an inventory of my finances:
*I have $250,000 in a regular Wells Fargo savings/checking account.
*$43,000 in my vanguard Roth IRA for a 2055 target date fund
*$28,000 in my vanguard 403b (I don’t get a 401k as a gov employee). Also a 2055 target date fund
*$10,000 in random bonds that are probably 15-20 years old
I am too scared to do anything with my money and get overwhelmed every time I almost pull the trigger to do something with it. I know my Wells Fargo money could be put to better use but I just am so overwhelmed I shut down.
A big part is uncertainty related to the fact that I really don’t know what my life/future holds. At some point, I’d like to buy a house. My partner is also going back to school now so I’m our only income now and he may need to relocate for a job down the line, so buying a home now just makes no sense to me when I can’t see even 5 years ahead with enough clarity. I know I want to keep saving for a home and not lose my money so I can use it for that down the road, but I have no clue when that would be.
To get ahead of questions, my partner probably has $5k to his name. He doesn’t have much saved but will get through school without loans by working and scholarships. We are specifically not married because I would kill his FAFSA. He also has zero debts. I’m providing this info about him because I figured I might get asked, but I really just want to focus on me by myself for finances.
I have zero debt. I own my car outright, got full scholarships for my BS and masters degree. I don’t have credit card debt or anything else like that.
Any help would be very welcome. I am planning on putting $10k into I-bonds this weekend as a starting spot.
Submitted June 30, 2022 at 11:44PM by tiredandsad1 https://ift.tt/3uICpbO