I'm 35, I just recently started my own account before an impending divorce happens. I grew up poor and have worked since I was 16, but never had my own account. I had a joint account with my mom, because I started working to try to help her with bills, when I was 19 my mom's house went into foreclosure. after foreclosure I moved in with my then girlfriend (now wife) who I got on her account and just had direct deposit into that account for the last 16 years. It worked really well because she handled ALL the bills.
I know the answer is extremely simple. "Don't spend money, dummy."
But how in the world do you resist the temptation? I am enjoying watching my savings grow every check, but I find myself looking at high dollar purchases and just dreaming.
I'm currently trying to get nest egg saved, (about 25k) but once I have that squared away what is a good way resist temptation?
Seperate accounts for "go wild" money where you only put in say 500$ a check? Out of sight out of mind account for said nest egg?
Once I have my nest egg squared away I feel like it will be easy, because then I will start a Roth Ira account and an index fund account to help my already started 401k, but getting there has been pretty difficult. (Not going to start those till ink is dried however, dont want to grow items of possible contention)
How in the heck do you look at 5k 10k 20k in an account and not dream of a shitload of neat stuff you can buy with it?
Submitted March 28, 2022 at 03:31AM by trashy615 https://ift.tt/S61Y7g2