Somewhat explained by title, but for a little more detail and my investment horizon:
1) Current allocation: 9k in Vanguard, 3k in work-sponsored/matched account with Fidelity (they match 3%), then a couple hundred in Marcus HSY, Coinbase (BTC and ethereum) and roundups/20 weekly to Acorns.
2) Willing to be really aggressive, as I will only have about three more earning years before entering med school (hopefully !)
3) Looking to buy a house/condo where I land for med school, so really just being aggressive about maybe having $ down for that is my main goal. My range here is about 300-450 k total without interest consideration. Maybe pay down my MS1 year loan interest as a plus.
I understand the value of diversification, but feels like my non-Vanguard accounts are just earning interest on small amounts, when my vanguard account has accrued 40% since I opened it three years ago. Better to just pare down to my company sponsored/matching 401(k) with Fidelity and my personal vanguard (mostly ETFS)?
TL;DR: willing to be very very aggressive with my portfolio and fear I am spreading too thin with current allocation - advice?
Submitted December 01, 2021 at 10:18AM by the1whowalks