Good Evening, I am a longtime lurker here. Always entertaining and helpful. I am just looking for some reassurance that I am not missing anything in my current planning and investing.
My situation is as follows: 27 years old Gross $150,000
Own a home. Mortgage payments is $1,100 a month. Interest rate is 3.2% for 30 years. Owe $160,000 on it. Worth around $300,000. Bought it as a foreclosure and remodeled it myself in 2018-19.
Truck payment of $550 a month for 72 months. 0% interest. $15,000 equity in it.
No other debt. Student loans are paid off. No credit card debt.
Have $35,000 cash in a emergency fund
Max out my 401K every year. Is currently at $42,000
Have a IRAP plan through work where they give me 8% of what I gross a year. I am fully vested and currently have $45,000 in it.
Have a Roth IRA I max out every year that has around $18,000 in it.
I really just started being smart and investing my money for my future in the last 2 years. I understand this sounds arrogant as to many I am doing well. But I am very self motivated and want to maximize my performance. I live well within my means. Yes I know my truck is expensive. But it was my big gift to myself. I’ll pay it off and keep it forever.
Any advice is welcome. I work in the shipping industry so I have thick skin. Positive or negative they’re both welcomed.
Submitted June 01, 2021 at 02:27AM by Sailor699