Hi all,
I am looking forward to opening a position on Amazon but I still have a tiny small doubt in my mind, I am wondering if posting my doubt here can help me clear it or better understand it.
The doubt I have is that wouldn't reopening cause a decrease of deliveries on amazon.com? amazon.com seems to be hot last year because people don't want to go to stores to buy stuff but once the store opens, wouldn't the traffic of amazon.com go down? Also, since people are at home more, AWS was getting a lot more traffic from their popular clients such as Netflix. But once the economy reopens, people won't stay at home as much and therefore not go on to AWS-hosted websites as much, right? Other services such as Twitch and Amazon Prime should have lower traffic too because of people spending less time at homes. The only few services I think of might benefit are Whole Foods and IMDb.com.
But somehow, analysts seem very bullish on Amazon's short-term. I am seeing a bunch of $4000-$5000 price targets. Why are analysts giving such high price targets when so much of Amazon's revenue depends on the environment of staying at home?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Submitted May 20, 2021 at 11:25PM by usernaame001 https://ift.tt/2SfI5tP