I wanted to get everyone's reasoning on why they're frugal, because compiling a list of reasons for frugality is a hell of a lot more motivating rather than "you're saving money!" (which is also important but eh.)
For me, it's out of a sense of responsibility.
Though I did grow up in poverty, in all honesty it's not like I enjoy living that way. There is no world in which frugality equates to skimping out on meals or necessities. However, I LOVE tracking my finances. It is a hobby of mine. But then why would someone find such enjoyment out of saving a couple of bucks?
Well, anyone will tell you that being smart and frugal can save you more than "a couple of bucks" when they all add up over time! Those are meaningful dollars that I could put forward to savings, or maybe important bills, that I could put into a sinking fund for something I want, or even monthly insurance bills.
I don't have to pay for things like insurance yet, I'm super young, barely old enough to even get insurance in the first place. However, the more frugal I am, the better I manage my finances, the more money I could use to pay for important things. And I think that's why being frugal matters so much to me. I don't know a lot about the world, but I enjoy being able to control my finances. And I might be able to start paying for insurance early, who knows.
By taking a moment to stop and wonder "do I really need this?" and then think "can I get this for cheaper?" I can put the money I didn't use towards something more meaningful, thought-out, and calculated.
That's why I'm here, what about you?
February 21, 2021 at 09:49PM