I drove my friends back to their apartments after they had more than enough drinks. I didn’t mind because I have nothing better to do. I know they were drunk but they sent me $30 and said “we know you need it”. I was confused, but I realized I may have been giving that impression.
I used to live with them and I was so frugal by cooking 3x a week and not going to their dine outs sometimes. I would even limit my drinks to 2 just because I don’t want to spend too much. They would buy the newest iphone, airpods, macbook, smartwatch etc. While I was fine with the 5yr old laptop because I’m not a student anymore and I rarely need a laptop personally. I tried a knock off fitbit and after 2months, i just didn’t use it. I just know myself is not into those. They always see me going through junk mail for coupons. We got new cars almost around the same time and of course I was the one who got a used Honda and they got their bmws and acura. I get my gas from Costco. When we all moved out, they went ahead to rent luxury apartments while I chose cheaper crappy apt closer to work. They bought new furnitures and all other new furnishings, while it took me a while to fill my apt searching for used furnitures & going to thrift stores. I have a puppy at that time so I know I can’t have nice things because she’ll ruin it. And yup, i caught her chewing on my $5 chair and I wasn’t that upset. But you know what? I damn well know I make way more than them. They tell the group how much they make. We have people in our circle that are min wage earners so they think they make more than them. I am just quiet about it. They probably think I am in deep debt because I went to college but I was smart about going to community college and working while in uni too. I just don’t talk to them about my financial status. They also don’t know how much I make. They also mentioned before how they finally got a raise because nothing’s left after payday. What did they get after getting that raise? A peloton. You can’t outearn bad spending habits.
February 13, 2021 at 01:58AM