I just wanted to take a second to brag on some savings my wife and I got.
- Switched from State Farm to Progressive (two cars and house bundle): $914 savings.
- Switched my wife's $600/year Verizon phone plan to a Mint Mobile's $240/year plan: $360 savings.
- We spent $3k last year on eating out. We agreed to halve that amount this year. I want to do even better than that, but for now: $1500 savings.
- I let a membership to a local art museum lapse because I rarely took advantage of the perks: $65 savings.
- An article I wrote for 2600 Magazine got printed. They give you a free year subscription for using your work. $27 savings.
All of this money will go into our investments except money for an annual subscription to Comixology Unlimited. I've wanted to catch up on a lot of comic series for a while and finally justified the subscription after all the above.
February 20, 2021 at 09:26PM