Hello there,
A complete stranger sent me 1000 euros on paypal, shortly after which they contacted me via email, asking that I return the money. I've no intention to keep the money, but I'm weary of returning it, because I assume it is a scam.
Firstly, this person claimed they sent it to a wrong email, by selecting a wrong 'paypal contact.' I don't know who this person is, nor am I a seller of any goods. I don't know how they would've gotten my contact in the first place. Futhermore, in the additional information field for the transaction, they claimed this money is 'For Markus.' My email is my full name and it does not come close to the name 'Markus,' so I don't see how such a mistake could've been made, if not deliberately.
Another strange thing is that they tried to dispute the payment via paypal's resolution center, but paypal decided the case was in my favour. In the email I've received from paypal about this case, they asked me for a tracking number for the supposed wares that this stranger purchased, which I did not do (Since there were no goods to begin with.)
This is when I received a second email, where the stranger expressed that paypal wouldn't return their money, because they made a payment to friends and family, which I know to be a lie. They are now threatening legal action and I am unsure what to do. I've read that it's a common scam that once I return the money, they initiate another refund and I basically get charged twice, meaning I will lose a thousand euros of my own money.
I'd appreciate any insight and advice on this situation.
Submitted January 03, 2021 at 06:04PM by Professional-Lab1467 https://ift.tt/3rSGpDW