What exactly is the process to sell you call option when you're in the money and it's before your expiration date?
For example: Stock ABC is currently selling for $20 per share on January 1st, 2021. I buy a call option that day (Jan 1st) with a strike price of $21 that expires Jan 15, 2021 (two weeks). I pay $1 per share, for a total of $100 down.
On Jan 8th, the stock shoots to $21.10 on market open. I see this and want to sell my call because i've surpassed my strike price and I'm satisfied with the gain. How do you go about this? Would my profit be $2100-100=$2000? What happens if a few minutes after i try to sell my call, the price shoots down to $20.7 (below my strike price).
Submitted January 19, 2021 at 07:13PM by ssjbrysonuchiha https://ift.tt/2XVv9Jo