not sure if my quickly made messy mental model graphic makes sense, but basically when I am saving for something (ie a bedroom makeover) and then a few months later after saving for it I buy a $500 bed, my budgeting apps all get messed up because its $500 more than I usually spend, and they'll say I overspent. In my current app (Emma) I can exclude the purchase, but then I can't track how much money I've spent on the bedroom makeover that I am only allowing myself to spend so much on.
Plus, when I under spend on my budget, I'd like an app that recategorizes that elsewhere. I think this is like the bucket or envelope method sorta?
Some of our money is meant to be spent monthly (in green) some is meant to be saved (but spent on something!) (in yellow) and some are "locked" until a certain date (longer term savings, in red-- maybe a down payment would be a better example than a vacation)
Submitted January 03, 2021 at 09:07PM by excelsior0303