Okay, this is a super long shot but I'm out of ideas so here I am.
Hi, everyone. A little bit about me. I'm a single mother of 2 in my mid-twenties. I recently started trying to get my shiii together and my whole life kind of imploded.
A few months ago, my life turned on itself. My depression had caught up with me and a friend got wind of how bad it had gotten. They contacted my family and asked them to help as they had the resources to help, and my friend did not. This help came in the form of my parents keeping my kids for a couple weeks so I could A) clean my home and B) get my bills sorted.
This actually ended up with my brother, who is in recovery, coming from states away to help. When my brother arrived, he realized just how bad the state of my mental health, addiction, and home were. My brother convinced me to go inpatient for detox and I did.
I got out of detox and have been living sober since. However, a couple of weeks after I left the hospital, i hit a deer with my car. My car was uninsured at the time as I had forgotten about my insurance when I was in the hospital and didnt pay it. This caused a lapse in coverage.
I, being absolutely terrified, paid my insurance and had it reinstated, but not after being made to sign an affidavit saying I hadn't gotten into any accidents.
Being totally honest with you guys here, I was going to wait a week before reporting it to the insurance in hopes that they would still cover it. My family convinced me not to.
In the process of all of this, my home started falling apart. No car, and no income as I had been doing food delivery with my car for income, and my hot water went out. And within a week a pipe burst in my home.
And now, fast forwarding to today, my children and myself are back to living with my parents. My car is in the shop for repair (not through insurance) and the estimate is roughly $5000. I have no income currently, despite applying for so SO many jobs. I have no idea where I'm going to come up with the money (legally) or how. Borrowing money from family isn't an option, currently, and my credit is nonexistent. Add in my lack of income and well. My world feels like it's caving in on me.
So what would you do?
Submitted December 26, 2020 at 11:37PM by floweringfuckery https://ift.tt/3pog26Y