I recently moved into an apartment and I feel that my electric usage CANT be correct. I’ve never had an electric bill before though.
Apartment information:
* 1 bedroom - 700 square feet.
* No A/C
* Electric appliances
For the past three months the bills have progressively been increasing
* August - 298 KWH
* September - 448 kWh
* October- 600 KWh
* November Estimate -834 kWh
I bought a watt meter to plug my stuff into and see a little more info. Here is the break down of every outlet under what I would consider peak conditions ( ie if the power strip was for a lamp , a tv, and a fish light.... I ran all three together and took that number.)
The only think I can’t measure is the electric water heater ( the sticker on it estimates 300 dollar energy cost to run it for the year) and light switches , all bulbs are low watt led’s)
Google home hub
Between 3-5 wats
Patio light
10 watt
Fish tank outlet
62 watt
X-mad Tree
94 watts on
Living room outlet
50 Watt
Computer outlet
60 watts
2 watts
2 watts
Bedroom tv outlet(tv + fire tv + fan)
165 everything on
Second fan
42 watts
night stand 1
28 watts
night stand 2 + lamp
15 watts
50 watt
3 watts Off
596 watts on
With these types of numbers is it even possible for me to be consuming as much energy as my meter says?
Here's a screen shot of the hourly breakdown. I find it strange all the energy being used while asleep.
November 26, 2020 at 12:16AM