Hello friends!
I started working on this budget about 2 years ago, and I finally came to an iteration that I enjoy in July of this year. My partner and I started using this budget together on November 1, 2019. It has now been an entire year of tracking every penny we spend, and it's been a helpful, eye-opening experience.
I've shared this budget before. This is the first time I am sharing this iteration of the budget.
(Here is the last version I shared): https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/hu6uoi/ynabish_budget_expense_tracker_template_in_google/
Our total net worth is only slightly less than it was 1 year ago, but we also bought a new (used) truck and got married in that time, and we've almost finished building up our $20,000 emergency fund. We have money set aside for medical expenses and unexpected vehicle expenses, and we're hopeful that we will finish paying off our debt, start putting money into retirement, and begin to work on paying off the mortgage early. (I know, I know! We should start saving for retirement NOW. We both have HSAs and pensions and 401ks that are not accounted for in this budget.)
I'm sharing it again because I'm hopeful that it will be an interesting look into one married couple's expenses for an entire year and because I am hopeful that someone may find the spreadsheet template useful.
Please note: This has been "anonymized" a bit; I don't actually work at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. For the most part, however, this shows our actual expenses and income for the entire year since November 1, 2019.
Is anything surprising? Would you use this budget yourself? Are there features you'd like to see that aren't included?
Hope this gives just one person some help with budgeting!
Here it is:
Submitted October 30, 2020 at 10:30PM by ThisIsAMonere https://ift.tt/3kJHABR