I need some advice. Okay so I bought I home. Everything is in my name. My fiancé lives with me and pays or more so attempts to pay half the monthly payment. I pay for the water and electric bill. I make 2x as much as he does.
There was some fire damage to the property and I’ll be getting about 32k from my insurance. After my fiancé found that out he said that we should get a joint account. Which prior to this he was against having any type of joint account. Am I just paranoid or should I make a joint account for the money I’ll be getting back from the claim?
He made the point that he pays for half of the mortgage. Which is fair. He says that I shouldn’t have full say what the money is used for.
I also want to point out that he pretty much has no money right now. He tried taking me out to lunch the other day and couldn’t find his credit card. He pulled out his debit card and he said he couldn’t use it because he had no money. So I ended up paying. He pretty much lives paycheck to paycheck. I’m just a little worried.
Update: Told my fiancé I didn’t want to get a joint account and he got mad and walked out. I told him if things need to be bought for the house I can do it. Or he can use my card. He kept saying, “oh so you get ALL that money” Honestly what does he think I’m going to be using the money for? I’m way better with money than he is. I feel bad, but at the same time he shouldn’t have any issue with it. The money is going into a savings account to be used to pay for the damages caused by the fire and for home renovations. I told him “it’s for the HOUSE not ME” There’s roof damage, one of the shed was engulfed. We recently moved in so there’s quite a few things that still need to be done. Idk I sort of feel bad but at the same time I want to know for sure that the money is only going towards the house and not being used to pay his child support or he’s using it to pay for his half of the bills. Maybe I’m delusional.
So yeah he had a little temper tantrum and stormed out.
Submitted October 01, 2020 at 09:55PM by thelisteningppup https://ift.tt/3n3z2qW