At the beginning of the pandemic, I had a family member with a Costco membership buy me a bag of whatever frozen meat they could find (remember when Tyson said they were going to have a shortage? What happened to that?) and I ended up with a massive bag of frozen chicken tenders that I’m unsure what do do with.
My main concern (first world problem) is that I find frozen chicken to be so painfully boring and I am concerned about the texture being altered strangely as it thaws.
What is your advice for putting this chicken to good use in a tasty but economical way? My household consists of just my boyfriend and I, and I work a compressed work schedule so I’d love a meal that would hold up for a few days so I could take it to work with me and there’d be leftovers for him, too.
Thank you in advance! 🙂
October 03, 2020 at 01:18AM