Relatively recently I have put a larger focus on my finances and wanted to see if I am on the right track or if there is more I should be doing.
My current breakdown is:
Roth IRA: $6000 (invested large cap growth fund)
Rollover IRA: $35000 (invested in different large cap growth fund)
2nd Rollover IRA: $65000 (professionally managed)
Investment Account: $115000 (mixture of different stocks, mostly tech)
HSA: $300 (company HSA not sure what to do with this)
HYSA: $20000 (growing @ 1% but meant to be my emergency fund about 6 months)
2nd HYSA: $20000 (growing @ .8% set aside to make upgrades to house)
Checking: $5000 (meant for spending)
Savings: $20000 (not sure what to do with this)
I currently have paid off all my debts except for my mortgage. I feel like I am in good shape but not sure what to do with my HSA or if I’m saving to much in my basic savings and my HYSAs. Any advice is appreciated!
Submitted September 06, 2020 at 09:20PM by PrinceZamir