I have my debts paid off, emergency fund, and contributing as much to my 401k as I can, so financially I think I'm in a decent position to start investing some of my cash, maybe like 10-15k. I can see myself using this cash within five to ten years but I don't have a firm goal date and am flexible, plus as a single 25 year old I have no idea what's in store for me when I'm 30 or 35.
All that being said, right now just seems like a crazy time to be making big investment plays. Many people I know are still unemployed or working at places that are still suffering from the pandemic, but the S&P is basically back to where it was before shit started hitting the fan. None of my friends that trade are doing any trading right now (not that we should base the economy off of tech bros gambling on Robinhood but its worth keeping in mind).
I know you can't "time the market" but I feel as if entering the market now is akin to entering in 2008. It just feels too risky. Are other people holding off too?
Submitted August 20, 2020 at 06:07PM by ComradeNapolein https://ift.tt/3hhzXAW