I hear many people lately complaining how they can’t get a haircut during this quarantine and I thought of this.
Since I was young, I liked the look of a short cut fade. However, I had to rely on my parents to have the time and money to take me out to get a haircut. Sometimes it would be a month and my hair would get way longer than my liking. I also noticed how prices for the haircuts differed depending on where my parents took me and there was always a 5-10 dollar tip added. The tip part concerned me because there were times my hair was not cut to my liking and they were not immediately fixable such as the fade being too high, but the tip was still paid.
I eventually saved up my meager allowance to buy a cheap set of clippers and attempted cutting my own hair. It was a disaster. I needed multiple mirrors at different angles to see the back of my head and if you look at your hands in the mirrors, it’s really difficult to make them go the directions you need. I had to “reset” a couple of times by just giving myself a buzz cut and wait a few days or a couple weeks to try again.
After about 6-7 months, my home haircuts were getting much better. I can now have the haircut I want at any time. One of my complaints when I was a kid was that I couldn’t drive myself to the barber and my parents usually worked late. That meant that if a special occasion came up, there was no guarantee I can get a hair cut before then. Now I could cut my hair any time, even if something came up for a couple hours later.
I’ve now been cutting my own hair every 1-2 weeks for 20+ years (minus a 6 month period I grew out my hair really long to try something different and another 6 month period that I was dating a shallow girl who wanted me to have expensive hair cuts). With the costs of haircuts my friends pay (anywhere from 12-45 a session) plus the tips, I saved so much!
May 22, 2020 at 11:37PM