Kinda simple but I’m looking for further insight. I want to trade in my car (have title) but I also have another vehicle that I own like 10K on.
I Don’t plan to have the dealer to run multiple inquiries, looking to just call the same bank that has handled my previous loans (credit isn’t an issue) for the new vehicle but this is where I’m a little confused...
Do I just tell them I want to consolidate my existing loan and lump it onto the new one? I don’t know if I’m making this more complicated then it has to be but I want to make sure I don’t get the shit end of the stick.
Not in any rush but seeing this is a buyers market I’m looking to get a good deal and want to go about it in the best way possible.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Submitted May 12, 2020 at 10:08PM by Sapnasty45