First time poster to this subreddit, so please forgive me if I mistakenly violate any sub rules or posting taboos. I am on mobile as well but I will do my best to format things so they can be read.
Now to the request: I love my cast iron, I have a full set of pans (8”, 10”, & 14”) and a Dutch oven all passed down from my grandmother and without traceable brand name markings. They are true BIFL items, however they are by their nature, somewhat limited in use and a LOT of work to maintain. Recently however I have been reading about carbon steel pans which apparently have the same durability as cast iron but are much easier to maintain and lighter to boot. The trade off seems to be that they don’t retain heat as well or as evenly.
I would like to know if anyone has purchased one of these before and if they: 1: perform as advertised and 2: maintain the same durability and lifetime of use that you get out of cast iron?
To clarify these aren’t your typical stainless steel pans you can get from Le Cruset or All-Clad, but high carbon steel cookware that needs to be seasoned.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Submitted April 18, 2020 at 11:46PM by Barjack521