My goal is to one day own my own home. In a city or in the countryside, either would be cool. I see a lot of people talking about going off grid and living in unique lodgings and stuff, all power to you guys. However I know it’s not for me, I’d prefer a more conventional standard of housing.
My desire to one day own a house is really fuelled by the knowledge that I will then no longer be required to work my balls off to ensure I don’t ever end up homeless.
As I don’t own a house maybe I’m mistaken. If I remain single (foreveralone xo) and live minimally how much money do I truly need to get by? My thinking is kinda, “once you have enough money to feed yourself and keep the lights on, that’s mission accomplished.”
Maybe it’s just a stage in my life, but right now I just want more than anything to be in a position where I have a place to call my own so that I can finish taking part in the rat race before it finishes me.
Am I being naive?
Submitted March 12, 2020 at 08:07PM by craigo_c