My husband I have paid off vehicles. Mine is a Camry with 235K miles on it and his Jeep Patriot has 116K miles on it. My car is very reliable and better on gas, roomier, etc. His jeep is starting to rust a bit in the wheel wells and doesn’t run the greatest.
I’m a little stuck on whether we should be looking at better vehicle(s) since we have kids and everyone makes comments about high the mileage is on my car especially. I had always planned on running it until it runs no more.
We have no CC debt, no student loans, and no loans except for our mortgage. I stay home with our kids and make some extra money here and there and his job provides enough for us but the thought of a car payment really freaks me out.
Submitted February 25, 2020 at 06:39PM by Throwaway6737472