I'll be moving into another apartment this year and I may move again for the next few years. I was looking for furniture that is:
- Reasonably Priced
- Easy/Quick to Assemble
- Easy/Quick to Diassemble
- Durable
- Sturdy
- Lightweight (optional)
- Foldable (optional)
I found a few companies that hit some of the criteria above:
- Floyd https://floydhome.com/
- Hem https://us.hem.com/
- Campaign https://www.campaignliving.com/products/modern-sectional-sofa
- Coavas https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/7B4F453F-AD63-42DA-B782-DDAF8F683D38?ingress=2&visitId=0d97acd1-2933-45e1-9b32-d8adad0ee086&ref_=bl_dp_s_web_9197808011
- Pi https://www.moaroom.com/moaroomshop/en/52-furniture-chairs-pi-system-design-roderick-fry-resident-studio-made-in-nz-or-in-france
- Open Desk https://www.opendesk.cc/
- Inside Weather https://insideweather.com/
- Akron Street https://www.akronstreet.com/
- Burrow https://burrow.com/
Do any of you know other retailers that might hit more of 1-5 above? For example, the Pi tables can be put together within 1 minute but seem really expensive/hard to obtain in the US. Alternatively, do you know of any DIY builds where once the individual parts are all built, it's a quick to assemble/disassemble?
Submitted January 18, 2020 at 08:08PM by AZNinAmsterdam https://ift.tt/2RaluMF