So I'm remodeling my basement at the moment and I'm waiting to put up walls until I figure out the last of the cables that have to run behind them. I'm a little technologically challenged and am having trouble with the internet cables. I've attempted to research it, but I just don't know the right lingo to find any relevant results.Essentially, I subscribe to the only major cable internet provider in my area. They have a cable box in the corner of my yard. There's a cable that runs underground from that box into my basement. That cable leads to this (is it a switch?) https://ift.tt/2RykmRT there, one cable runs down the wall and upstairs into my router that provides wifi to the whole house. However, my house is wide with thick walls and the signal really sucks in parts of the house. I have a WiFi repeater in the opposite corner of the house, but I am trying to turn that into a second router instead. I would also like to hardwire a desktop computer in the basement to the internet.With the picture linked above, how exactly would I attach additional internet cables? I'm probably butchering the tech vocabulary in the post, but I'm doing my best to understand how to do this.Any help, even explaining vocabulary or links to helpful guides, would be greatly appreciated. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2GcW5v6