My wife has been working at her company in Los Angeles for a little over three years now.
In August of this year she was signed off work by her primary care physician because she had a series of seizures and couldn't perform her work duties. She hasn't had any form of payroll from her employer since the end of September when she ran out of PTO. They won't let her work even with reduced duties and insist she only returns when she can fulfill her entire job description.
At the end of 2018 she added me to her company health insurance. Today we received a letter which stated that due to a payroll error the $400 monthly deduction for my insurance hadn't been taken from her paychecks.
My earnings are about half of hers, so there's no way we can just cut a check for ~$5k. I plan to suggest some terms for repayment if it turns out to be that straightforward.
Are health insurance contributions deducted before tax is calculated? Is the same true for contributions which pay for other family members? If so does this impact our 2018 tax filing as we would effectively have been over-taxed in the December 2018 payroll run.
Is there anything else we should be thinking about here?
Submitted November 12, 2019 at 06:48PM by ughnowwhat1112