Sorry if this question is super basic, but I’m entirely clueless about this stuff. Long story short, I became an orphan two years ago. My income is incredibly low and probably will be for a very long time. I’m in need of a cushion to get by until I can start getting more income. I inherited an account with two mutual funds in it (no idea what that even means), roughly 70k. I also inherited an IRA roughly 400k. I’m needing roughly 20k. I though the 70k was just cash, but found our today I would have to sell my shares (probably not the right word) to get the cash value I want. I would also get penalized for withdrawing from the IRA. This stuff is all over my head and I don’t want to make a dumb decision because I’m in a rush. Anyone have advice on the best way to get the 20k I need?
Submitted November 19, 2019 at 06:40PM by DumbledoresaidCalmly