Long story short. Had Comcast/Xfinity for the first 2 years after moving to Seattle land. Entry 2 year contract about $60/month with all taxes and fees. 2 years ended, up to $90. Decide to price the other provider called Frontier. My neighbor has them and says they are great. I price their stuff and with rebates and such, the next 2 years will be about $37/month. I’m feeling pretty good. Now the downside.
9/16/19. I work from home one Tuesday for the install. They realize the infrastructure that their records say was run to my house with a previous owner does not exist/can’t be found. I’m good cuz I’m not cancelling Comcast until 9/30/19. 3rd party cable installer comes on 9/23/19. I see it’s run to the house, yay! I had told Frontier that I need a Saturday appointment cuz can’t really work from home, they agree. I call on 9/25...I’m confirmed for a Saturday install! Yay, it’s working. I get a text saying new appointment is for a Tuesday 10/1. And this is after my Comcast will shut off! I cannot work from home that day (I’m a salary person) so my husband, who is a union construction worker, stays home that day (meaning we lose his $400 income that day). They don’t show. Reschedule for this Saturday and I have to cancel a dentist appointment which then charges me a late notice fee of $50.
So in order to save $30/month we have now wasted $450 basically negating any wins. Yup. It will take 15 months of savings to recoup. This is simultaneously hilarious and infuriating. I just learned a life lesson. When I called Comcast to cancel they came back with an offer to go down to $50/month. That may have been the better choice. First world problems and all but had to share with my peeps.
The only upside is that my Comcast never shut off so I still have internet. Wonder if I’ll have to pay for this month. What a shit show.
October 04, 2019 at 10:35PM