Alright. So I have a family member that fucked up the kitchen. I'm not joking about this at all. It's fucked up. Here's a picture of what used to be our fridge. The landlord had to come in with a fucking gas mask in order to transport it out. Shit was real. We have a new fridge now, but I think you can understand why I've decided to never, ever cook anything in a kitchen that I share with that particular family member ever again. There's also still bugs crawling over our kitchen utensils (that he cooks with to this day; ew).
Long story short: I need foods that I can eat without using a kitchen. I don't have a slow cooker / crock pot / anything in my room. I have a mini-fridge though so I can refrigerate items and there's still a microwave in my house that's in the kitchen. Because the microwave remains closed, the interior of the microwave is free from my family member's unsanitary wrath.
For a couple of months now, I've been eating nothing but take out and you can imagine the tremendous effect that this has had on my wallet. I have a job now and my dietary choices have taken about five-eigths of my check. I have $9 left in my bank account at this moment and pay-day is four days away. I want to make changes to my diet that are healthier and cheaper. Help me out here?
I'll also be posting this to r/EatCheapAndHealthy. So I can get good opinions from two good communities.
October 28, 2019 at 09:26PM