Started by having a landscaper take out these two overgrown bushes taking up too much spaceThen we took a stake with a nail in it, put it in the corner of the yard, attached a string to it and created a radius. Once we marked out the radius with a shovel we ripped up our freshly laid grass with a shovel and rakeIt took 27 bags of cedar red rubber mulch (shredded tires) that we dumped and raked by hand to create the (Mostly) Finished ProductMy neighbors fence is shot and need to be torn down but she selling the house so I just threw up some extra posts to fill that hole for now. The last thing left is to put some garden edging around it to keep the rubber in one area. All in all it was $180 worth of mulch and an afternoon. My son loved it and its much softer than regular mulch. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2zGbZv1