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This past weekend I helped to replace my father's 26 year old roof on his house and garage. I Wanted to share this post in case anyone else out there is thinking about taking the dive and roofing their own house.Backstory: My dad got a couple estimates to tear off and replace his roof and they both came out to around $20,000. Not wanting to pay that and knowing I have a good friend who does exterior work on the side, he asked me to research how difficult it would be to complete this on our own, and if I would lend a hand. We measured everything out, got a list of all the materials and made a plan to get it done over labor day weekend. Materials for 31 square of roof (garage and house combined) was around $4,500. Knowing we are pretty able bodied and decent DIYers, we went for it.Work: The work was mostly completed by my friend and I. Although he had some friends stop out for a few hours Friday and my brother helped for a few hours each morning when he could. Luckily my friend provided most of the roofing specific equipment we needed such as the roofing nailers. It took our crew of 2-4 people at any given time, three 12 hour days and 4 hours on Monday to complete the project. Luckily the weather was perfect all weekend and we had no rain and it wasn't crazy hot.Summary: So for anyone thinking of attempting this, if you have the skill and time you can save a ton of money. Roofing itself is not too complex if you are a DIYer, however it is backbreaking work and takes time. I cannot overstate that it takes a TON of physical fitness if you have a small crew and a large roof. Also this was a pretty simple roof as you can see below. Valleys, dormers, chimneys, and the slope/pitch all play a big part in the complexity. Good luckhttps://i.redd.it/rc5oi8p64ok31.jpg via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2LlI4io

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