I live in a four-story apartment building (California / SF bay area, if it matters). I've lived here a few months and love the building / location. That being said - my morning routine was interrupted by the sound of spraying down the hallway. A neighbor's waterline burst and a geyser from her toilet was flooding her apartment. It took ~25 minutes for the building owner / fire department to come and shut off the building's water. In that 25 minutes, SO MUCH WATER DAMAGE HAPPENED. This was on the third floor and from what I've heard the two apartments below her are just soaked.
I'm thankful to be unaffected but the whole event has made me realize - I haven't gotten renters' insurance yet. I've been looking at Lemonade and have gotten a quote for $13 a month for $20,000 of personal property damage & $6,000 in relocation in the event of loss of use (I assume this applies to the folks with the flooded apartments, they can't possibly live there).
I have a few questions:
- Are there other types of coverage that I should consider? Earthquake, potentially?
- Will my roommate need his own policy or can we bundle?
- Will this recent event make it harder for me to activate an insurance plan?
Any input / advice would be super appreciated.
Submitted July 21, 2019 at 07:39PM by wikklesche https://ift.tt/2JTlVpE