https://ift.tt/2ya2UtL so for starters the epoxy was purchased from https://ift.tt/1sP9k5e And as you can see we are left with three major areas of concern. The entire bar is over 50 ft long, so recoated the entire thing is out of the mix. In the first picture you can see where I started scraping and the epoxy just popped right out and it seems like I will need to cut a large chunk out. In the second picture you can see where there is a spot which is very tacky and has not dried for weeks. I have scraped out much of the gooey epoxy, however now and left with a nice crater. The third spot is from where they had previously poured a second coat, however it did not level out and has now made a ridge from the two coats not being level. I am highly unsure the best way to eliminating this ride. I'm worried to sand the entire ridge out and repour a small valley, and I need to be confident the second layer will adhere to the base layer and not look horrendous. Any and all tips are highly appreciated as I'm not sure what to do about the ridge, and as well with the craters, how well the epoxy I newly pour in will bind. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2M4ldbV