So I just got a water bill for my 2 bedroom apartment, $160 dollars!
Normally it is UNDER $50 ! So I called the front desk of my apartment complex and they said they did not know why the water bill was high and to call the utility company.
I then called utility company, and they tell me that since January the meter has been broken and the complex has been charging us “ the average of the complexes water consumption each month.” They say that now that the meter is working, they want to charge us the extra water that was used since January that was “above the average” during those months the meter was broken. I said it sounded like a scam and they told me to speak to the manager of my apartment complex.
Is this legal? I do not want to pay this. How do I dispute it with the manager?
Submitted June 01, 2019 at 08:05PM by nw534