I am DIYing a hanging shelf that will be suspended kinda from the ceiling (actually from a square archway). It's a piece of wood with 4 cables one on each corner.I have two options for hanging the cables, as depicted in this MSPaint graphic. My instinct is that having the cables at an angle would be better than hanging them straight down, for stability. But I'm not sure if it makes a difference or if actually the steeper the angle the more stable it will be.http://bit.ly/30kkacx intend to put a quite heavy projector onto the platform so it should be fairly stable due to the weight, but any additional stability however small is always welcome.I also wonder if the screw hooks will grip better if the cable is at an angle.I don't have any control over the cable angle in the other direction because of the way I have to hang it. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2Jmrz5P