Love this sub! But like many I've become fatigued with the constant flow of old things that have simply survived time, and to which I have no access. We just had yet ANOTHER mention of this that got 1,000 more upvotes than anything else in the last month!
Why don't we add a rule to fix it? My suggestion:
9. Items listed should currently be available for sale to the general public.
This just makes sense, since the reasoning behind rule number 4 is that homemade products are disallowed because people can't buy them. So why should we be posting a cacophony of other items that we can't buy?
After all, the sub is not had it for life, it's BUY it for life!
Edit: Clarification after several comments of concern. My intent with the broad wording "available for sale to the general public" is to include items that are accessible (even if they are no longer being manufactured) through eBay, etc. There are just a bunch of things being posted that aren't really available.
Submitted May 20, 2019 at 01:38PM by nchiker